Intraline PDO Threads Spiral – 30G 38mm/50mm


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  • Low price Intraline PDO Threads Spiral – 30G 38mm/50mm
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  • Friendly call-center staff will solve all issues related to the purchase of Intraline PDO Threads Spiral – 30G 38mm/50mm online.
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Benefits of Intraline Threads Spiral?
Threads Spiral Intraline are solving a wide range of aging problems:

rejuvenate the skin;
provide almost immediate tightening and lifting;
volumize the tissues;
boost new collagen production;
smooth out fine wrinkles.
The results are always individual and impossible to predict. They depend on the patient’s age, the initial condition of the skin, skin type, lifestyle, etc.

Side Effects after a Facelift with PDO Spiral
Cosmetic rejuvenating treatment with PDO threads is one of the safest procedures. However, like any medical manipulation, it has got a range of contraindications and possible side effects that the doctor must inform the patient about. Thus, after the procedure, the patient may experience:

painful feelings;
redness of the skin;
These reactions are individual, and in some people, they may disappear after 2-3 hours, while in others, 2-3 days. It depends on the level of the skin’s sensitivity. In case of any severe reactions or unusually long manifestations of side effects, the patient should inform the doctor.

PDO Product Lines
The manufacturer Mecobi Co Ltd has elaborated a wide range of products to improve the appearance. Fillers Limited currently offers dermal fillers and cosmetic threads. In general, there are three types of dermal fillers: